Sunday, March 28, 2010

Misconceptions (The To Lose List pt.2)

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines a “misconception” as “a mistaken thought, idea, or notion; a misunderstanding.” I however, having little to no academic clout I might add, have come to believe that this definition is far too reductionistic. This over simplification seems to have grossly domesticated and subdued a much more vivid imagery of what is actually occurring behind the scenes and below the surface.
In Genesis 4:1 it says that “Adam ‘knew’ Eve his wife and she ‘conceived’…” And so it is throughout the entirety of the scriptures that “knowing” becomes representative of an intimacy enacted in the relationship between that of a husband and wife. Thus there is a strong connection being made in “knowledge” running parallel to the vision of two star crossed lovers joining together, being unified, becoming one, and consummating their bond by spiritually and physically intertwining themselves with one another. Rooted deeply within this theme of “knowing” and “conceiving” is the law of reciprocity, sowing a seed and reaping a harvest. A seed is planted, conceived , and then birthed a new. It is through this lens that we see the nature of the mind as a cognitive womb. That being said feel free to turn down the lights, break out the candles, pour the wine, and put on some mood music, I’ll wait…

The metaphor surrounds us though we are often unaware. “Knowing” and “conceiving” , a dynamic affirmed in the richness and picturesque language of our own common tongue, so common in fact we often take it’s presence for granted. We daily speak of “concepts”, whether they are viewed as brilliant our obtuse is inconsequential we still attest to their “conception”. We often suggest that ideas are either “conceivable” or “inconceivable”, there by acknowledging the “seed’s” fertility or adversely it’s sterility. Thus to truly “know” something reflects a oneness with an idea at the most intimate of levels. It implies by, our own admonition no less, a soul bearing nakedness, an openness so trusting as to allow a notion to impart its seed into our very being, conceiving an understanding to be birthed as a foundational awareness.

This perspective now seems to paint a very different picture of the “conception” of a “misconception”, revealing the underlying intricacies and complexities there with in. The revelation however, is ambiguously unambiguous as such is often the case things are most frequently and most cleverly hidden in plain sight. Though I am far from a linguistics expert I do feel I can safely surmise that grammatically speaking a “misconception” is a compound word. Compound words being at their root the adjoining of two seemingly unrelated words both preexisting and previously established in their isolated definitions joined together into a unified oneness bearing something new that is beyond themselves in both meaning and context. This is an all too appropriate point in and of itself given the subject matter, but “the rabbit hole” as we say does go deeper.

Though the definitive whole is greater than the sum of its parts, the adjoining components are worth examining. Of course it’s easy for me to suggest that, I’m the writer, I’m more than just a little biased and if I’m wrong this is going to get awkward. The prefix “mis-” means “ill”, “wrong”, “wrongly” etc…We also understand that “conception” is the very act of conceiving, it’s the fertilization or inception of a pregnancy. What we are then viewing is an “ill-conception” or a notion “wrongly conceived”. It’s a striking visualization, one that creates a sense that there is something more deeply troubling underneath it all.

As a result of this “wrongful conception” and because of all that is “ill-conceived” we are left with “illegitimate” ways of thinking and being. We have given birth to a “bastardized” knowledge base and worldview. These thoughts are not born of a desire for truth, quite the contrary, these thoughts claim that they alone are the truth. Conceived from greed and lustful ambition they are self-serving, self-satisfying, self-indulgent, and ultimately self-righteous. This masturbatory way of thought instills a false sense of indignation. The end justifies the means to such an extent that not only do we point out the speck in our neighbors eye while neglecting and overlooking the plank residing in our own eye, we are all the more willing to justify the plank’s presence there.

This may or may not be a result of the workings of our own hands, after all we are inhabitants of an agenda centric, media frenzied society. Around every turn we are bombarded and force fed someone or something’s belief system. From the right to the left, republicans, democrats, liberals, conservatives, billboards, big business, corporate America, and even corporate worship. The White House, the court house, and the church house are vying for a chance to break into your house. The House of Representatives, the self-proclaimed house of God, even the House of Pancakes, they’re all looking for an opportunity to “rape” your mind in an attempt to impart their seed, hoping you’ll conceive and bare their ideals.

It’s also interesting to note that the prefix “mis-” is negating. When used preceding various parts of speech it cancels and nullifies all that follows. Thus these ways of thinking are not only “ill-conceptions” but are also “void conceptions”. These conceptions are empty and absent of life. They are not conducive to growth or progress. They are the mental equivalent of a miscarriage, cognitive still birth, and intellectual and spiritual barrenness. They produce only stagnation and decay. They are resistant to progression because they are rooted in the gospel of “because I said so”. We are taught to never question or subvert because “this is just how it is” or because “ this is the way we’ve always done it”. Contrary to what we have been taught this is exactly where our salvation is found, in our questions. Questioning raises awareness of our misguided ways of being. Questions are willing to examine our belief systems by holding them up to the light and under the microscope and by comparatively analyzing and re-evaluating where we’ve been, where we are, and where we would hope to go. Questioning does not necessarily exemplify a distrust or irreverence, more often then not it is because of an immensely irrefutable reverence that we search out and re-examine. Questioning is born out of a desire to deepen, enrich, enliven, or impassion all that we hold dear and sacred. I believe firmly that our faithfulness to our beliefs is directly proportionate to our ability to question them. I have come to believe that not only is God unafraid of our questions, He welcomes them. You show me a god afraid of being questioned and I’ll show you a small and insufficient god. Madelaine L’Engle said “If my religion is true, it will stand up to all my questioning; there is no need to fear”. And so this wisdom rings true not only for God or religion, but faith, hope, love sex, king, country, truth, justice, government, and any other number of valued ideals too numerous to list. This seems to be our only way of legitimizing our “wrongfully conceived” notions and ridding ourselves of these hindrances weighing us down, blocking our paths, and seeking only to steal, kill, and destroy everything precious. By humbling what we have exalted we are ushered into an intimacy of “knowing” The Sacred and the realization that the need for honesty far exceeds our need to be right.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The To Lose List pt.1

A great philosopher of incredible wisdom astutely surmised “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get”. It never ceases to amaze me how the universe manages to reach into what seems to be a grab bag of the infinitesimal and align everything in just such a way as to get your attention. That being said it probably stands to reason that there is little substantiation for coincidences at least as we have come to understand them. God it seems has a way of returning us to a particular crossroads until we come to the intended understanding. It’s like “do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars”, you’re not going anywhere until you get it so get comfortable and pay attention.

Recently on one of my many meanderings into cyberspace I happened across a rabbinical parable as told by an author named Peter Rollins. In typical rabbinic fashion it offered insight into a world colored by sacred questioning, a perspective in which I am especially fond of. It seemed innocent enough yet in just a few short days I stumbled upon this same parable this time told by Moishe Rosen. Perhaps there was something that got lost in translation the first go around? So there I was looking into the face of a mystery and being handed a choice. I could take the blue pill and stay in the dream, remaining asleep to the realities I was being offered or I could take the red pill and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Too bad they don’t make that red pill chewable, at the risk of sounding cliché it really is a hard pill to swallow. I gulped deep and dove in.

The parable tells of a certain rabbi posing a series of questions to an inquiring gentile. I guess even in a parable inquiring minds still want to know. Hoping to enlighten the gentile into new ways of thinking the rabbi begins , “Two men fall down a chimney when they reach the bottom one is completely clean and the other is utterly filthy, which one washed?” Without hesitation the gentile quickly replied “The dirty one”. “You’re absolutely wrong!” the rabbi responded defiantly. “When the dirty man saw the clean man he presumed that he himself was also clean and thought how astounding it was that they had both fallen down a chimney yet neither were dirty. However when the clean man saw the state of the dirty man he presumed that he was also dirty and immediately went and washed. ” The gentile feeling as if he now understood said “ask me another”, the rabbi began with his next question “Two men fall down a chimney, one was completely clean and the other was utterly filthy, which one went and washed?” Now puzzled as to what the answer was the gentile thought for a moment and answered “the clean one?”. “You have answered incorrectly yet again” the rabbi said. “When the dirty man saw the clean man he thought is was incredible that that man had fallen down a chimney and remained clean, yet upon examining his own hands he realized the severity of how undeniably soiled he was. He could feel the grime on his face and he could taste the soot in his mouth and he immediately went and washed.” Now being more perplexed then he had been by the first question the gentile collected himself and then said “give me one more question”. Without any delay the rabbi readily agreed , “ I will ask you one final question. Two men fall down a chimney, one was clean and the other dirty, which one washed?” The gentile in a state of bewildered desperation blurted out “I don’t know which one to say it was that washed!” The rabbi excitedly exclaimed “Neither! The question itself is absolutely absurd! How can two men simultaneously fall down a chimney and one of them come out clean?”

It’s clever, it’s eye opening in many ways, and it does indeed illustrate a different field of thought but…WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN! How do we take it to heart? How do we adopt this type of thinking? Needless to say for quite some time this parable and more importantly it’s implications have laid claim to the corner lot of my mental real estate. I should however preface all that follows by saying that I do not by any means claim to have come to the most conclusive conclusions there are many in whom I’m sure could shed a more scholarly and enlightening commentary but here’s my two cents anyway.

When caught in the wrath of a tumultuous storm even an experienced and dedicated crew of sailors will abandon all that is unnecessary casting their cargo(though valuable) overboard in favor of staying a float. It seems reasonable to conclude that we should be no different when coming to grips with grasping for further understanding. There comes a point that if one does indeed wish to obtain a new way thinking, seeing, and being especially one that encapsulates a deeper harmony with the divine then this will more often than not entail expediently and sometimes desperately discarding the dead weight of one’s current perspective and former thinking in the hope of broader horizons and brighter shores. There are times when there is far more to gain by lessening the load, to put it simply if it’s getting in the way, and getting you down then get it the hell out! I personally feel that there are many misconceptions in this journey of faith that we would greatly benefit from losing and it is on few of these needless notions that I would like to address further in the coming blogs. Stay tuned. Talk to you soon.